Our supply comes from: The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and France.
We buy directly from: State Forest, Logging companies and private forestowners.
The main species from TEREDO are:
- Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
- Oak (Quercus spec.)
- Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)
- Elm (Ulmus spec.)
- Poplar (Populus spec.)
- Pine (Pinus spec.)
- Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziesi�)
- Larch (Larix spec.)
We have customers from all over the world, most regular regions are: Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, North Africa and the Far East.
The most important customers are:
- Veneer industry
- Sawmills
- Papermills
- Wooden shoe industry
- Traders
We also supply Hurley Ash logs from The Netherlands to Ireland. We have contact to the best growing area's for hurley ash. Feel free to ask what the possibilities are.
During years of experience with specialized log transport companies, it is possible to bring the logs directly to the customer. These companies have modern and good logtrucks with theis own cranes, so that they can load and unload themselves at any time.
Transport is posiible by:
- Truck
- Train
- Ship
- Container